appreciation for volunteers - applauding team

Beyond Volunteer Appreciation Week – How to Show Appreciation For Volunteers Every Day

As organizations all over the world kick of Volunteer Appreciation Week or Volunteer Appreciation Month celebrations, leaders of volunteers are focusing on ways to publicly recognize the incredible individuals who choose to offer their time and talent, and to express to those volunteers – in large and small ways – just how much their service means.

Here at VolunteerPro, we love sharing our own fresh takes on volunteer appreciation with you. From appreciation event themes and gift ideas, to volunteer appreciation quotes to use in your next speech, to a simple thank you note template, our website is full of ideas to help you show your volunteer team some love – just click the search button at the top right of the webpage to get started!

For even more quick ideas, download our free ebook Volunteer Appreciation: 50 Simple Ways to Show Your Love HERE>>

I think you can probably tell that VolunteerPro is fully onboard with specific dates on the calendar dedicated to showing appreciation for volunteers.

However, I also want to challenge you to think past just one week of the month, or one month out of the year, and consider how you can create sustainable processes within your program that help volunteers see the impact of their work and feel appreciated every single day.

Design Your Programs with Volunteer Needs in Mind

Beyond luncheons, gifts, or recognition pins, I firmly believe that the very best way to show appreciation for volunteers is simply with a well-run volunteer program.

By investing the time and effort needed to intentionally create a professional, rewarding, and meaningful place to donate their time and talent, you are showing your volunteer team that that are highly valued and that their work is truly appreciated.

But…what exactly IS a well-run program? What does that look like in the eyes of a volunteer? And how exactly can you create programs to provide and support that sense of appreciation?

It all starts with the fundamental keys to human motivation. 

Humans have three core needs:  

  • Safety – When you look at your volunteer program through the lens of this core human need, what are the ways you can make volunteers feel not just physically safe, but also emotionally safe? How can you create a space where people feel safe to speak their mind, be vulnerable, or make a mistake? 
  • Satisfaction – As humans, we always want to be making progress, to be achieving something. There is enormous satisfaction in completing something successfully, so consider ways to build project “finish lines” into your volunteer projects, and work to intentionally recognize and celebrate progress along the way.
  • Belonging – As humans, we yearn to feel connected and accepted, and to be a necessary part of a larger whole. So consider ways that your program can express and show welcome to volunteers from all walks of life, as well as opportunities for volunteers to create connections with each other.

For more on the incredible value that a diverse volunteer team can offer and how to embrace diversity in your organization, check out Is Your Org Ready for More Inclusive Volunteering HERE>>

By making sure that these three core basic needs are met, you are halfway there in terms of creating a well-run volunteer program that offers tangible recognition and appreciation for volunteers. 

appreciation for volunteers - high fives

Designing Volunteer Opportunities That Show Appreciation

Research into volunteering motivations, including a recent study from the NCVO, suggests that there are eight key elements that contribute to an exceptional volunteer experience. By designing volunteer opportunities with these elements in mind, you can bake in a sense of appreciation and value while offering truly impactful service opportunities for your volunteer team.

  • Inclusivity – The NCVO study found that more inclusive volunteering created a better volunteer experience in the eyes of volunteers (this also aligns with the core human need for belonging). So, for your volunteer program, consider the ways that you could encourage volunteers to bring their own history and personality to a role, and show that you genuinely appreciate the value of their lived experience.

For more on how the lived experiences of volunteers can positively contribute to your organization, check out The Power of Volunteers as Human Capital HERE>>

  • Flexibility – Modern life (and schedules) can get very busy, so adding an element of flexibility wherever possible shows potential volunteers that you appreciate their contributions in the ways – and on the days – that they are able to offer them. Consider adding varying levels of commitment and think outside the box for ways that current roles could be modified to fit different schedules. 
  • Impact – Volunteers don’t serve because they love working for free – they volunteer because they want to change the world! So consider how to design roles so that volunteers experience the greatest impact for their investment of time and talent and feel that warm glow of appreciation for a job well done.
  • Connection – Community is a huge part of volunteering, so consider ways to strengthen a sense of connection and work to create more opportunities for volunteers to be social and interact with one another. Building in that social/community element shows volunteers that you appreciate them as people, rather than just free labor.  
  • Balance – There is a general sense in many volunteers that volunteer-involving organizations are becoming too formalized in terms of their volunteer programs. And while processes, KPIs, and outcome metrics are important from a staff standpoint, consider ways to rethink your application and onboarding requirements so that they feel less rigid and more welcoming to volunteers.  
  • Enjoyment – In the same way, remember that volunteering should be FUN! People are donating their leisure time to volunteer, so consider ways you can make the experience at your organization more enjoyable to reflect your appreciation for the time that volunteers are sharing with you.
  • Boundaries – It’s important to respect volunteer boundaries around volunteer service, available times, or specific roles, so consider how you can safeguard those limits and make sure that volunteers know how much you appreciate what they can offer your organization.
  • Meaning – Offering meaningful ways to make a difference might be the most powerful way to show appreciation for volunteers, because it speaks to a core motivator for volunteer service. Consider ways to get to know the volunteers at your organization, their individual values and needs, to better match them with a role that offers meaning and aligns with their own goals.  

When you strategically include these elements in your volunteer program design and align your volunteer roles with one (or more!), you are creating an environment that is rewarding, enjoyable, and highly appreciative of volunteer contributions.

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Learn How to Design a Better Volunteer Experience with Help from VolunteerPro!

To reiterate, I LOVE Volunteer Appreciation Week for all the opportunities it provides to shine a light on the important work that volunteers do and bring greater community awareness to volunteerism as a whole. I just don’t think it should stop there!

I believe that daily acts of recognition and appreciation are equally valuable and important, and that making the effort to build safe, welcoming, meaningful, and FUN opportunities for volunteers to serve might be the ultimate way to share your organization’s appreciation for volunteers.

And if any of the suggestions above resonate with you, we’d love to help you design a better volunteer experience through our VolunteerPro member resources!

VolunteerPro members have access to our full digital library of volunteer engagement worksheets, ebooks, templates, tip sheets, and downloads, as well as a guided curriculum designed to take you further on our proprietary system, the Volunteer Strategy Success Path™.

In addition, members also have access to three live workshops each month along with the invaluable professional input of peers and colleagues in the VolunteerPro Membership community.

Monthly and annual membership options are available, and we’d love to help you build, grow, and scale a volunteer program that volunteers love to be a part of. Click HERE to learn more and get started today! 

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